New Campaign - Freelancers
It looks like I’m going to be GMing a D&D 5e miniseries that may turn into a campaign (depending on how well it goes). I’m thinking they’ll have a series of jobs, sort of like Shadowrun where they’re hired to complete a mission. At the same time, they’re trying to fight against a corrupt system and institutionalized discrimination. The team may or may not be part of a formal thieves’ guild or other guild. Major inspirations: the Gentlemen Bastards series by Scott Lynch (especially The Lies of Locke Lamora), Ebonclad, Fritz Lieber’s Lankhmar stories (very picaresque), Shadowrun (RPG), the Thief series of video games, Night Reign (RPG), Cryptomancer (RPG), Terry Pratchett, Vornheim. Sources of adventures: the Mr Porter series of adventures, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. The Silence from Doctor Who, Remember Me from Star Trek TNG.
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