Micro Skirmish Report - 10/31/2021

 Played a round of MFZ with the kids last night. 2 frames and one station each, plus a neutral station in the middle of the map. Some thoughts:

1. I tried out some alternate rules for Really Big Mechs(TM). It was my son’s suggestion. I doubled the number of dice I rolled - 4 white dice, 4 red d6 and 2 red d8 for double attack systems, stuff like that. It still had a total of four systems, but every time it took a hit it lost twice as many dice. Even with 6s and 8s across the board my monstrous frame went down within one round, mostly because it’s such a big and scary target and all three of my kids were targeting it. The fact that you have a ceiling on dice rolls means that even if you are more likely to get a 6 on defense, it isn’t enough to stop a high spot/high attack combo. Interestingly, half the damage my big Mech took was from an attack on another frame that was in cover behind it. I’m suddenly more interested in taking double defense systems than I was before.

2. One way to handle SSRs is to have a frame that has a dedicated targeting laser (in direct fire range) that calls in attacks from off the map. Let me tell you, when a light scout frame calls in orbital bombardment from a Star Destroyer, the target frame doesn’t last long.

3. I’ve got to figure out a way to get my kids to attack each other before they attack me. Otherwise, I’ll keep going down hard.

4. I forgot all about rolling the green d8 for sprinting for my frames, which were both straight hand-to-hand frames. It didn’t affect things at all since we started out at point-blank range for them, but I need to try to remember it.

5. Since everyone had equal numbers of frames, systems, and stations, we didn’t bother with the setup rules. (One of my kids inherited my ADHD and has trouble when things slow down.) We just kind of placed each person’s frames in pairs around the map. I went first since the kids were already planning to gang up on me. We’ve never actually set up frames according to the rules.


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